Distant Journey (film)

Distant Journey Czech Dalek cesta is a Czech Holocaust film directed by Alfrd Radok and released in March 1949, immediately after World War II. Radok uses experimental cinematography, blending historic footage of the Nazis with a fictional love story between a Jewish woman and her Gentile husband.

Distant Journey follows Hana, a Jewish eye doctor who falls in love and marries a Gentile named Tonk. Their simple love story becomes a nightmare when the government begins the systematized extermination of the Jews. Hanas family is transported to Theresienstadt, and the romance becomes a struggle for survival.Radok never shows blood or lets a gun fire in his story, but the historic footage he integrates into the film achieves a sense of terror. Newsreel footage and clips from Leni Riefenstahls Triumph of the Will show Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and other Nazi leaders reading speeches while a pile of dead nude bodies on the lawn of a concentration camp enforce the atmosphere of the Holocaust. While the historic wartime footage is shown, the previous scene of the feature film is shrunk to the lower right hand corner of the screen, a pictureinpicture effect comparing the wider global conflict to the more immediate effects on the storys central characters. ........

Source: Wikipedia